Monday, November 22, 2010


This blog isn't going by as quickly as I thought it would. It's been hard to relive all the mistakes I've made the past several years and months, which is keeping me from posting some of the fun I've had. But, I'm not gonna rush into things...I need to take my time and go at my own pace. I have no one to answer to but myself...

I need to talk to you about what its like on both sides of the fence...the joys of having someone by your side one day and thousands of miles away and no longer a part of your life the next. It hurts, and it hurts very bad. Before her, I never wanted to fall in love. I didn't believe in love. I saw myself as a bachelor, a single man. I thought that way because I was insecure with myself. All the women that had been a part of my life were always interested in my best friend. You see, he was the one with the boyish charm good looks, the million dollar smile and the wit to make them smile. But when I fell for her and we grew...I started to believe in love and what you can accomplish when you're in it.

Now that it's gone, I want it again. I'm smarter about love and know what to look for. I believe in love because I've experienced it with a wonderful woman who I owe a great deal to. She didn't deserve what happened, I should have been the prince that she was looking for....but at the end, I was the toad. But now that I'm a toad, the next princess that kisses me will get her prince. It's just a matter of finding a princess that is suited for this prince.

It's been hard, looking at the little things that remind me of what once was...but, I have friends and family that keep me positive. I have new friends that keep me busy and newer friends that keep me happy. I have friends afar that are a new part of my life, they tell me their exciting news and adventures and remind me of what I enjoy and what to look for.

I know you were hoping for a story, of lets say a new game that was played. And next post, I promise to tell you of that game and the following games that followed. But for now, please accept the fact that I'm very thankful for all of you to be a part of my life.

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